Heart Centered Emotional Healing & Mindfulness Coaching
for children and adults
It’s time to heal from the past and move forward towards creating the future that you want
Heart Centered Emotional Healing & Mindfulness Coaching
Linda Lazar Allen, CAMT
In Person and Long Distance Healing Telehealth Appointments Available
Linda’s passion is in gently & safely guiding the release of trapped traumas &
limiting thought patterns in the body and cellular memory
that can cause physical and emotional pain and stall healing — without reliving the trauma.
What are the limiting thoughts and beliefs that disempower you, that make you the inner victim?
You may not even know. They may be controlling your behavior subconsciously in the background. You know, those self-sabotaging thoughts making sure that everyday you hear that inner critical voice that limits your true abilities.
The journey during sessions is to replace these limiting beliefs and thought pattern with positive and self-empowering beliefs. The outcome? Empowered. Free. Living to your full potential.
A big part of the success in emotional healing really comes not only from the techniques, but also knowing what to clear – emotional events, patterns, beliefs, and other blockages that prevent healing. Blockages that prevent you from being whole.
Linda’s approach to restoring emotional balance intuitively blends several techniques.
She primarily uses Heart Centered Therapy - a gentle transformative therapy pioneered by Alaya Chikly, along with Somatic Emotional Release, Therapeutic Imagery, Acupressure Touch Emotional Balancing and Neuro-Craniosacral Therapy.
She also coaches you to develop mindfulness practices to help bring you peace of mind — empowering you to become more present and conscious of your patterns, triggers, and how your body responds to them.
You deserve to live an empowered life.
A gentle touch.
A soothing voice.
Linda’s emotional healing work offers the opportunity to reformulate emotional responses, beliefs and life decisions
that are blocking progress or causing physical pain, gaining newfound insight, wisdom, and strength.
Experience the transformative powers of Heart Centered Emotional Healing and begin living an empowered life
Heart Centered Emotional Healing
for Adults
It could be you just had parents who never understood or “got” you. It could be an incidental moment that you made you subconsciously change your perceptions of the world and yourself. It could even be a trauma that isn’t even yours – new studies link how trauma can pass thru generations due to epigenetic changes in DNA.
What’s important to know is the story of what happened long ago isn’t the trauma. The trauma is the imprint of that story living in your body — the message your cells hold that make you feel anxious, less than, addictive, angry, etc…
Experience Linda’s mastery in releasing these limiting beliefs and patterns from your body and mind, reconnecting to the divine wisdom of your heart
Heart Centered Emotional Healing for Babies & Children
Parents of Linda’s patients often notice that their children tend to feel calmer, can focus easier, and are better able to deal with the stressful demands of transitions, school and life
Stress, trauma or shock affects a person at any stage of life, but especially during the pre- and perinatal period there can be overwhelming consequences to our health throughout our life span.
Children and teens that Linda does emotional healing with demonstrate improvement in recurrent abdominal pain, headaches, anxiety, and coping with childhood traumas. Linda also helps empower your child by giving them mindfulness tools to use whenever they feel bad, scared or anxious.
Possible symptoms of trauma
in infants
Inconsolable crying, difficult to soothe
Quiet withdrawn infant
Lack of eye contact and interaction, particularly with mother
Separation Anxiety or Clinginess
Breastfeeding difficulties
Possible symptoms of trauma in children
Unprovoked outbursts of anger, fear or frustration
Quiet or withdrawn, clingy/separation anxiety
Sensitive to the world and others
Chronic complaints stomach aches or other body pains without a known cause
Possible symptoms of trauma in adults
Emotional outbursts, edginess, anger, irritability
Intrusive thoughts that won’t go away
Easily startled, anxiety, panic attacks
Insomnia, Nightmares
Emotional numbing or shock
Guilt, shame
Depression, social isolation
Lack of energy

What People Are Saying
“Our child has been absolutely sparkling since her appointment with Linda. Her tempers have lessened and are less intense and she just seems more at peace. We are so grateful that you are here to help her (and us)!”
I want to thank you so very much for helping me. I have felt the effects very deeply. I feel like I have had more clarity than I have in a very long time. I feel so “full” inside and I also experienced a sense of calm openness. I really feel like I have truth and trust within me now. Thank you for sharing your gift with me”
“A place that I can feel safe, let go of past traumas and be healed with Linda’s gentle soft voice and hands. I am able to walk away feeling renewed and given new strength with new outlook in my life. And Linda has given me tools to use in my everyday life coping with family and others, enabling me to be successful putting my past trauma behind me as I continue on my journey of healing.”
“After my sessions I feel I can see the world with more clarity.”
— 8 year old patient
Emotional Healing for Adults
We all begin life living from the wisdom of our hearts. But somewhere along the way many of us get distracted, and the mind takes over. The mind holds all the belief systems, judgments and memories — often guiding us from what it has stored, like a computer with malware running in the background we are not even aware of.
But the heart has the capacity to guide each of us to that place of deep emotional healing.
Each time we experience an emotional trauma/stress, trivial or life shattering, it is stored in the body. Repeated coping mechanisms from situations in life and judgments, and possibly from generational epigenetic changes in the DNA, also become imprinted in our brain and body, emerging as unconscious responses and belief systems.
These perceptions of the subconscious mind control 95-99 percent of most behaviors and biology, and play a big role in decision-making. So it is not by choice that people keep suffering and relapsing, but because they hold beliefs that are contrary to their goals, which activate self-defeating behaviors.
When we cling to these once-helpful perceptions after they cease to be useful, they can reemerge as sources of pain and dysfunction. They prevent us from being truly present in our bodies.
But the good news is, researchers have discovered
our cell biology is dynamic enough to allow
healing of these traumas and to create a positive experience
Sessions with Linda center on reconnecting the heart and brain, bringing us out of our heads to entrust the voice of the heart to guide you to reformulate emotional responses, beliefs and life decisions and gain newfound insight, wisdom, and strength. The mind may say that this is impossible. Yet the heart says it is natural. It all begins with that subtle shift from mind to heart.
The heart is truly the key.

What to expect from an adult emotional healing session
Linda skillfully guides you on a sacred journey of healing using a combination of inner dialoguing & guided imagery with somatic hands on manual therapy techniques that allow you to safely identify and transform the emotional component of disease and trauma in the body.
She also works with you to develop mindfulness practices and exercises to incorporate into your daily living — empowering you to become more present and conscious of your patterns, triggers and how your body responds to them.
As a practitioner, she never tells you what to do, never tells you answers, but lovingly holds space for you to discover your own resolution, your own answers revealed by the wisdom of your heart.
After the session
Immediately after a session most clients feel very peaceful and relaxed. Sometimes most of the changes and benefits from the session are felt a day or two after the session. The body needs a couple of days to integrate the changes and formulate new beliefs in cellular memory.
How many sessions are needed?
It’s hard to say how many sessions someone will need. Some people feel 100% better after one session, and others take many more than that. On average people need 3-8 sessions for a reduction or resolution of their symptoms.
Emotional Healing for Children
Many children who are sensitive, stressed or have experienced trauma can get stuck in a state of chronic overwhelm that might prevent successfully calming. They live in a heightened state of arousal (chronic ‘fight or flight”) which can cause their body to excrete excessive Cortisol and disrupt their sleep patterns.
This overwhelm can lead to high levels of anxiety, preventing them from functioning at a level they find acceptable. The lack of sleep adds to their inability to calm and can cause a vicious cycle. This can lead to depression, irritability and other problems.
Stress and trauma can often occur before or during birth. Current studies have shown that pre- and perinatal stress can be related to outcomes such as:
Temperamental problems and increased fussiness
Attention, attention regulation, and emotional reactivity
Hyperactivity and inattention
Emotional & conduct problems
Many times the effects of pre- or perinatal trauma are not apparent until a child is older and facing challenges in their rhythm.
The combination of Linda’s emotional work and craniosacral therapy can help ease these challenges, gently releasing traumas and supporting your child to thrive, as opposed to coping and surviving

What to Expect During a Child’s Emotional Healing Session
With children, it is of utmost importance to first develop a bond of trust and safety. Without that bond, we will never be able to reach the depths of the work needed to find resolution and build resilience.
Linda then follows the lead of the child to guide them through the work, using a combination of gentle hands on somatic therapy, guided imagery, imaginative play and drawing to help them build inner strength, bring balance and reconnect with their own potential.
It is unrealistic to expect a child to lie completely still for a session, so Linda meets them where they are, incorporating a multitude of toys, sensory exercises and stories during her session. And surprisingly to parents, after several sessions, some of these children who can never be still come in and climb on the table to lie down themselves. They innately know how the work helps them.
Awaken the wisdom of the heart.
This information is not intended to cure, diagnose, give advice on, or treat any medical condition. If you suspect you suffer from clinical deficiencies, consult a licensed, qualified medical doctor.